Interview with Kate Delaney, Sept. 2020 on New Book, 2020 Election Reader

Posted on September 27, 2020


Who to vote for? Why should I vote? What difference will it make? I’m only one vote. It won’t count for anything. NOT true! We are a free and democratic people and to remain so, and remain true to our principles and freedoms, we need to exercise the privilege and responsibility of voting. I have compiled this short book to answer some of your questions, and, most important, to point to the answers in the Bible. And, just as important, to lay before you those answers, all the way from freedom of religion to how Christianity has influenced some of the great thinkers and actors in our nation’s history, from Thomas Jefferson to Franklin Roosevelt to how leaders—true and good leaders—have intervened in our national history by acting through their faith. Nothing is more important, let me suggest in the strongest terms possible, than the freedom of religion in this country. Believe it or not, it’s even more important than politics! It sustains our Christian faith and as you will read shortly, it gives us the inspiration and direction on where to turn to in this time of crises leading to the election of 2020.