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On Taking Naps and Being President

January 31, 2021


I am the same age as President Biden and require a nap, or a siesta in the language I learned as a child growing up in Lima, Peru, to function. There, I’ve said it: Expressed a fact that I think is nearly irrefutable. If you are a friend or acquaintance with President Biden, please share […]

I want it

December 1, 2020


Watching a football game the other night I was half listening to the ads which are entertaining until I hit one with only four words. It began with a chant “I want it” and proceeded from there to repeat its message, with music, fast cars, good looking women, “I want it!” “I want it!” “I […]

House Calls and Other Artifacts

October 24, 2020


House Calls and Other Artifacts I am writing about a phenomenon which most of you under thirty or forty will have no idea about. Those above fifty or sixty will recognize the phrase “house call” almost immediately, kind of like recognizing Sputnik as part of the Cold War which itself may be just an historical […]

Sewing, Shop, and Cooking

August 29, 2020


I was watching my wife sewing the other day, down on her knees on a big enough space of the floor in the living room to make the initial cuts in her fabric. She learned to sew on a Singer sewing machine years ago and was now getting back in it. We bought her new […]

Guilt and Words

August 9, 2020


Guilt is a word and issue we need to know and deal with. We are facing it right now as the race issue divides rather than unites us a nation with a major election in November 2020. Webster’s defines it several different ways, from official guilt in the commission of a crime or offense to […]

The Virtues of Real Life Versus Virtual Life

May 28, 2020


I am going to sound like a true troglodyte speaking of the past way of doing things as opposed to today’s way of doing things. But I see education slipping down the road of dispirited encounters with screens and videos rather than fresh and life-giving moments in the real with teachers, and it is both […]

The “I”s Have It

March 19, 2020


If you think you’ve heard the expression, “the I’s have it,” you are right, but not using “I.” Rather the traditional expression is “the ayes have it” in referring to a vote where those voting “yes,” say “aye” in the old English. It may be a nautical term, since in the Navy we hardly ever […]

To Live as a Christian and Martin Luther King, Jr.

February 1, 2020


Tomorrow we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. He was a man God made for the moment, the moment being the great challenge of destroying the remnants of segregation in this country. I remembered a lot of what my generation lived through by reading a wonderful column, “King’s passion for justice did not allow for […]

A New Identity, a New Life

February 1, 2020


Not too long ago I was listening to a John Grisham novel in my truck somewhere along Interstate 65 on way up to or back from Tennessee. It was a pleasant way to pass few hours “dead” time for me, just dodging cars all zooming along a lot faster than me going my plodding 70MPH, […]

Minerva, Our New Heroine

February 1, 2020


Did anyone else kind of pause at our new statue unveiled earlier in December to the goddess of wisdom, Minerva? I realize dear readers that we live in the midst of a state university which is a pretty secular institution, although universities were not founded in this country to serve up pagan gods and goddesses. […]